A New Era: Updating a Seminal Work
Now, half a century later, Moody Publishers has invited Gene to update his groundbreaking work. During this process, Getz discovered the need for a complete
rewrite to reflect lessons from five decades of experience.
A Fresh Perspective: Viewing the Church Through Three Lenses
The updated edition guides readers to view the church through three essential lenses: scripture, history, and culture. This contemporary perspective provides a deeper
understanding of God’s vision for the church.
The Vision of the Church
Join Gene Getz as he reflects on his extensive journey and helps sharpen our focus on what God intends the church to be.
A Legacy of Vision: The Origin of Sharpening the Focus of the Church
Over 50 years ago, Dr. Gene Getz authored Sharpening the Focus of the Church in response to challenging questions from his students at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Grounded in supracultural principles, this influential book inspired a small group to establish the first Fellowship Bible Church, igniting the Fellowship Bible Church movement. Gene’s transition from seminary professor to church-planting pastor was just beginning.
Gene is committed to distributing these Bibles to pastors and leaders in developing countries who cannot afford them, as well as to inmates who might otherwise never receive one. When you purchase a Life Essentials Study Bible, you help support this ministry’s efforts to provide these invaluable resources to pastors, teachers, and the incarcerated.